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Medical professionals at Urgent Care 24/7 and Dental Care 24/7 share their answers to your questions.

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What to Know About Iron Deficiencies (Part 1)

Urgent Care 24/7's Dr. Joe DeStefano discusses the broad spectrum of iron deficiency, who's most at risk. He also details some symptoms, including the craving of non-food items,  and treatments for the deficit.

Understanding Erectile Dysfunction

Dr. Joe DeStefano of Urgent Care 24/7 discusses some of the causes of erectile dysfunction and notes that Viagra and Cialis don't cure the underlying problem. He suggests a complete holistic approach to the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

A Discussion of Men's Health

Men's health starts with good primary holistic care that looks at diet, exercise, supplements, and if needed, different pharmacological approaches, says Dr. Joe DeStefano. He also discusses some causes of low testosterone and suggests that coenzyme Q 10 may help males over age 40.

What to Know About Type 2 Diabetes

Urgent Care 24/7's Dr. Joe DeStefano explains that type 2 diabetes starts as a lifestyle disease that can be attacked with lifestyle modifications, including a 20-minute walk each day and a 10% weight loss. But he also notes that medication may be needed and suggests taking vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplements.

Kidney Stones: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 describes kidney stone pain as quite severe and notes that if you have one, it's almost impossible to get comfortable. He explains the two types of kidney stones and how they're treated.

Chemical Exposures to the Eye

If you have a chemical exposure to the eye, you need to immediately start flushing it with high volumes of water immediately and continue doing so for 20 minutes, says Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7. After that you should get to an urgent care center or ER.

What to Know About Folliculitis or Ingrown Hairs

There are many causes of folliculitis or ingrown hair, explains Dr. Jerry Williams. And, if it goes untreated and if there's a bacterial cause these folliculitis infections can go on to cause an abscess formation that can be really problematic. He suggests exfoliating the area and using an antibacterial moisturizer or topical antibiotics.

Complications from Body Piercings

Dr. Jerry Williams explains how infections can happen with body piercings and suggests several ways to try and avoid them. But, if you do have an infection, you need to see a medical professional to care for the infection and the wound.

What Is Sleep Paralysis or Parsomnia?

Sleep paralysis usually happens just as you're falling asleep or waking up, says Dr. Jerry Williams who also explains the feeling of paralysis and how disturbing it is to those who experience. He suggests good sleep hygiene as one way to prevent it or the need to see a sleep specialist if it happens often.

The World Health Organization and COVID-19 Vaccinations in Children

In June of 2021, Dr. Jerry Williams noted that the CDC and the World Health Organization had differing views on the subject of vaccinating children. In his estimation, and according to science, he sees more benefit in the vaccination than drawbacks.