What Is the Industrial Medical Complex?

December 15, 2022

Dr. Jerry Williams of Urgent Care 24/7 discusses an interesting topic that he would like to get some feedback from from you on.

So the title of this quick little chat is called the industrial medical complex, which is an interesting term that Dr. Williams colleague has coined to him. Basically what it refers to is big medicine, large corporation medicine, and how has that affected care. As we've seen the consolidation of the medical insurance industry and hospital systems, gobbling up small practices, small doctors practices, and gobbling up hospitals, big city hospitals, gobbling up regional hospitals around them.

Do you really feel like our medical care has gotten any better?

Is it any cheaper?

Or your weight times any less?

Is the quality of care or the amount of time that your medical provider spends with you any longer?

The answer to all those questions is obviously no. So if we had this giant consolidation of the healthcare system, because it was supposed to save us money, what happened? If there were savings, and there probably were savings that were accomplished, or these big health systems wouldn't have made the decisions that they made. What happened with all the money they saved? Because it sure hasn't been passed on to the consumer. Look at what it's costing for care for health care, ambulatory health care, but in patient health care as well, it's ridiculous.

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